Are Scientists and Health Practitioners Communicating HIV Information Effectively?

J. Anitha Menon *

Department of Psychology, University of Zambia, Zambia

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The importance of effectively communicating new scientific information to a non- scientific audience is discussed in the era of new medical regimens for HIV. With new research findings on prevention, treatment and care for HIV such as antiretroviral therapy, both as treatment and prevention, is the message being accurately understood by the non- scientific community? If not, can it be harmful? The need to communicate new HIV prevention information holistically in light of earlier information is emphasised.

Keywords: Communication, research findings, non-scientific community, HIV prevention

How to Cite

Anitha Menon, J. (2015). Are Scientists and Health Practitioners Communicating HIV Information Effectively?. International STD Research & Reviews, 3(1), 23–26.


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